Адреса:Lvivska obl., Gorodotskyj r-n, m. Gorodok, vul. Lvivska, 659a
Телефон: +38 (032) 2951094 , +38 (097) 7202666
Факс: +38 (032) 2951094

1) Accreditation, re-accreditation, introduction of changes in the account card of the FEA subject in the customs authorities;
2) Declaring and customs clearance of goods depending on the customs regime chosen;
3) Completion of the customs declaration and preparation of a complete package of documents for submission to the customs authorities for customs clearance;
4) Preparation of the preliminary customs declaration;
5) Electronic declaration;
6) Filling in commercial documents (invoices, invoices, pro forma invoices), transport documents, packing sheets;
7) Calculation of obligatory customs payments;
8) Determination of the customs value of the goods;
9) Preliminary classification of goods under UKT FEA and definition of commodity code under UKT FEA;
10) Advising on the country of origin of the goods;
11) Completion of shipping documents (Carnet TIR, CMR);
12) Forwarding, logistics services.
Види економічної діяльності